Our Student Ministry reaches 6th to 12th grades. We have Bible class on Sundays at 9:30 AM, and a Friday night program from 7:00 to 8:30PM with in-depth teaching, discussion, and fun! During the year we have regular fun outings, conferences, summer camp, and VBS.
Our Values:
We want to do all we can to prepare our students to face the pressing cultural challenges of our times with a firm foundation. We seek to do this through:
-Welcome everyone. We want our students to be honest about who they are and what they believe. While we will not hesitate to explain clearly what the Bible teaches, we do not want anyone in the group to feel like outsiders because they do not yet fully embrace biblical Christianity. This is the only way to help students feel comfortable raising their sincere questions and struggles about the Christian faith.
-Deepen biblical understanding: We want all our students to understand the differences between a biblical worldview and the other options the world offers today. We then want them to know clearly why they believe what they believe. We use in-depth biblical discussion and apologetic teaching to develop understanding.
-Apply to Life: We want our students to see how the biblical worldview applies to every area of life and the major cultural issues of our day. They should recognize what it means to live a biblical life in contrast to the values of our culture when it comes to relationships, work, sexuality, and more.
-Read the Culture: We do not want our students to be naïve about the influence of culture. Instead, we want to discuss the worldview being presented in the popular songs, movies, etc. and how they connect or contrast with a biblical worldview. This is the best way to overcome the subconscious influence of pop culture.
-Develop Relationships: We plan regular fun activities to help students connect with each other and adult leaders. This fulfills the need for fellowship and develops trust for teaching and training times.